Broker Marketing Support

Did you know that 60% of Medicare eligible members continue working till age 67 and 10% to age 72? Therefore, most Medicare eligible members get their health care benefits from their employer health plan!

To capture 100% of the Medicare eligible market, you need to market direct to multiple markets:
  • Businesses and Unions (B2B) for their Medicare eligible employees
  • Medicare eligible member joining Medicare at age 65
  • Medicare eligible members retiring or losing their group health coverage

No Cookie-Cutter Marketing!

Beta Benefits has comprehensive, effective and unique direct and virtual marketing support programs for our brokers that reaches all Medicare eligible market opportunities.

The trademarked™ Medicare Educational Seminar is available to our brokers for their Medicare 101 Educational Events with hospitals, medical groups, and businesses’ Lunch and Learn Programs. Beta Benefits will train you in the Program and help you implement Turning65Seminar™ with your clients.

Business-to-Business (B2B)

The massive Baby Boomer population that is turning 65 is electing to continue working, 60% to age 67, and 10% to age 70. Employers are feeling the financial brunt of older employers remaining on the employer group health insurance through higher premiums.

For our brokers, Beta Benefits has developed an industry leading B2B marketing strategy that targets selected employers with a personalized brochure to offer Lunch and Learn and local Medicare educational events, either online or online virtual webinars.

Turning 65 Medicare & Social Security Educational Seminar is an excellent resource for brokers to educate their clients on Medicare and Social Security, simply turn on the AV presentation and watch and learn.

Beta Benefits brokers can elect to be trained to conduct the Turning65 Medicare and Social Security Educational Seminars for hospitals, IPA’s, senior living facilities, etc. is update at the beginning of year to reflect all changes in Medicare and Social Security. This industry leading online presentation is the only comprehensive online Medicare and Social Security AV presentation that covers all aspects of Medicare, Social Security, and Medicare Supplement Insurance.


The only FMO with a broker application for quick access to all your health plan broker portals!!

Hospital and IPA Marketing

Beta Benefits B2B marketing strategies, coupled with the Turning 65 Medicare Educational Seminar, is enthusiastically embraced by hospitals and IPA’s as a resource to reach out to employer groups in their service communities.

Often the hospitals and IPA’s will co-brand the marketing materials to the employer groups, adding creditability to the B2B marketing strategy. Through the B2B marketing strategies, our brokers develop solid working relationships with the hospitals and IPA’s, which results in an excellent stream of referrals.

PCP Marketing

PCP’s are excellent referral sources and Beta Benefits provides co-op, professional PCP office marketing materials. Beta Benefits will help co-sponsor onsite and virtual Hospital and IPA Office Manager Educational Luncheons, building solid relationships with the PCPs’ office managers and creating an outstanding referral source.